Well, I feel like I've neglected March a bit, so here's another quick update. I would write all about my Valencia trip, but I don't really have the time right now. I am planning on getting up fairly early and trying to go to the Rastro for a bit. Let's hope anyway.
The weather here has suddenly turned to crap. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's definitely not a day where you would want to be outside. I was planning on going to Salamanca today, but after coming down with a bit of a cold and realizing I'd probably be miserable the entire time, I postponed the trip.
Instead of traveling, I spent the day planning for Spring Break. While I have no day-by-day plans as far as what I'm going to see, I at least have places to stay, transportation (almost), and a good idea of what needs to be done before I leave on Wednesday night. I'm not planning on taking my laptop with me because 1) I am staying in hostels, so it could get stolen; 2) I am going to be traveling a lot, so it could get broken; 3) I think at least London has a different plug type for the outlet, so charging it might be a pain; 4) I'm not checking a bag with any of my flights, so a heavy laptop might cause problems when I'm trying to make weight for a carry-on; 5) etc. It just seems like a better idea to not take it. Most of the hostels that I'll be staying in have computers that you can pay to use, so I can keep up with my email at least. This means no more updates after Wednesday until April 15. Sorry!
I also planned out the rest of my stay, day-by-day. It is as follows (forgive this jumble, but it might come in handy later if you're wondering what I'm up to):
3/29: Rastro, Carrefour shopping, Homework
3/30: School
3/31: Homework
4/1: School, Packing, Leave for Spring Break
4/2-4/3: Rome
4/4: Venice
4/5: Rome (Palm Sunday Mass at the Vatican!)
4/6: Rome, Paris, London - intense!
4/7-4/10: London with a trip to Stonehenge and Bath
4/11-4/13: Paris
4/14: Paris, Madrid
4/15: School
4/16-4/17: Salamanca
4/18: Segovia
4/19: Rastro, Valley of the Fallen Monument, Madrid
4/20-4/26: Nonstop studying for finals
4/27-4/29: Nonstop studying and finals
4/30: Packing, Pictures, Partying - Last day in Spain!!
5/1: 18 straight hours of plane rides, connections and layovers, hooray! Also, it seems likely that I will miss my connection back to Detroit, so better add another 4 or 5 hours until the next one leaves (God, I hope not... please pray for me!)
Okay. So that's the rest of my trip in a nutshell. I hoping it goes by quickly, which it really seems like it should from that jam-packed schedule I've set myself. I really really want to see Salamanca and Segovia, so let's hope that leaving them until the last possible minute doesn't come back to bite me.
Well, I should try to get some sleep if I'm going to get up in the morning. I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep, but I'm going to try my best. I hope I feel better soon. I'd hate to spend my entire Spring Break feeling like this.
I can't wait to get home. Spain has been nice, but it's not home.
The UK does have weird three pronged plugs. I'm not dragging my laptop around either. Can't wait to see you in Paris!
Hey! It's time for an update!
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